

cry faithlessness, then just have a little faith.

sometimes the greatest thing is letting it all out. cry until hysterics.
in the long run it makes you feel better. i've spent so much time recently feeling messed up. when all you want to do is run, not so much away, just run until your legs are incasing all your pain. scream as loud as you can. unload all of the emotion from your heart. because it is tearing you to pieces. and you know what, there is some strength in those tears. strength to keep you moving forward.


i'm a million contradictions.

i am megan. Welcome. Hello. Hola.

my life is not straightforward. sometimes it does choose to tidy up a little. 
i don't have all the answers. i'm the one with most of the questions.
i'm not always happy. i'm not always sad. 
i'm the one that listens. i can talk quite a bit.
i am not normal. i prefer to be different.
i need my friends. i need my family.
i like to move on. i never forget where i came from.
i don't have outrageous confidence. i get by as best i can.
i'm not fearless. if anything i'm fearful.
i am full of desire. i am not scared to dream.
i sometimes make perfect sense. other times? 
i just choose to ramble...