

dance to the emotions in your heart.

i find it harder to write when i'm in a mellow mood: neither bursting with joy, nor breaking down with tears.

words are so hard to find sometimes.

other times though. a feeling can be completely explained and jutified in just one sentence, one lyric. 

they say artists feel more than others. and partly i believe this to be true. but mostly, i think they have just solved the true means of explanation that we are all searching for. to transmit their feelings through their words, their images, their voice. 
a song can define your emotion, can reveal so many other emotions, can change people, can stop the world just for 3 minutes. people will listen, people will be inspired.

and in a way i envy this.


Wales was really good, thank you to all for wishing me well.
My summer officially started on Thursday. Yaay! And finally landed some work experience, after a three month chase, in the environmental sector. So relieved.

1 comment:

go ahead, make my day a little brighter. i will treasure every word.