

it can be from the sound of my favourite song on the radio, to the t-shirt hanging on next door's washing line.

there have been countless times when a person has stated that i am "pleased very easily" or "it's not hard to make me laugh"

and i guess this is true.
but it's the way i get through things. 
finding the simple things in life really make the amazing things seem even more phenomenal. 

i need something to make me smile every day.

after all, there's no point of having it, if it's never to be used.  

and i don't think i could live any other way. 


  1. this post gives me hope, and makes me happier. i hope knowing that you made me smile is enough to make you smile too. even for 1, 2, 3 seconds.


  2. That was a lovely comment Haze.
    And it is.
    Thank you. I hope everything is okay for you m'dear. <3


go ahead, make my day a little brighter. i will treasure every word.