

hey, you know what?

it scares me sometimes. when something is said, and the small estimations you may have had in yourself, the things maybe you thought you were, hoped you were, become completely disheveled.

maybe i'm not intelligent.
maybe i don't express any confidence.
maybe i'm not worthy of being wanted, or being held.
maybe i really am only good enough to be used.
maybe i deserved everything that has happened to me.

i don't know. how are you to know how you appear in the eyes of others? how can you then have any belief in yourself? how do we pick ourselves back up?

why do we live a constant battle within?


  1. you know what?
    maybe you're beautiful.
    maybe you don't need to believe in yourself straight off, because everyone else does.
    maybe if you say it enough, you'll believe it:
    I am worth the world.
    I am bright and confident.
    I am loved.
    Because I know that it's true.
    You're beautiful <3


go ahead, make my day a little brighter. i will treasure every word.